Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Launch Day! Rainbow Bank

Hi Guys

Today is the big day we launch the Rainbow Bank.Designed as a bank for the exchange of ideas across the World,whether spiritual,economic or political.

This new space is your space to express your thoughts and ideas,make new friends,talk ethical business,whatever you want.

A true marriage of the peoples of the World to talk openly and help each other in little ways,to gain a better understanding of how we can interact in a peaceful way.

Rainbow Bank is designed to be self financing and to achieve this it simply needs traffic to attract advertisers who will finance the blog.

Over time I hope the site will eventually offer global banking to people seeking ethical solutions to their finances.

I want you to use the site for campaigning on issues that profoundly affect you.

Rainbow Bank will build a name for promoting kindness and understanding and will be totally non-alligned to any other organisation.

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